Fine Art
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Photograph of old buildings. I sometimes add people to bring life back into that building. I also take nature photos
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Gallery Image drive_in_theatre2_copy.jpg

Gallery Image One_room_school_house.jpg

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Ronnie Reid
The photos that I take stir feelings and emotions in me. I just don't look for something to shoot. I drive down country roads for the sole purpose of finding forgotten buildings. What type of a family lived in the broken down house? Why did they move away? What happened to the town? Why are there so many empty buildings? Why didn't that business make it? Where did people go when they close up shop?
I hope that my photos move you as well. Move you to ponder and reflect on the treasures that were often left behind and forgotten. Thanks for visiting my site.
I hope that my photos move you as well. Move you to ponder and reflect on the treasures that were often left behind and forgotten. Thanks for visiting my site.